Chelmsford Military History

Capt. John Ford's Company of the 27th Regiment of Foot

Chelmsford Common Revolutionary War Monument

Concord Battle Minutemen Bolder in Central Square

Our collection of Revolutionary War era documents

Our collection of Revolutionary War era books

Civil War

Beginning of the War, and the 6th Massachusetts Regiment

The history of Christopher Roby and his sword factory

Record of Service, Chelmsford soldiers and sailors

Charles Bartlett Letters and Daniel Byam Diary

History of the Parkhurst sword

Our collection of Civil War documents and books

Our collection of Civil War era post cards

Troop F Cavalry Volunteer Militia

"History of Troop F Cavalry MVM 1864-1907" by Sidney A. Bull

World War I

Record of Service, Chelmsford soldiers and sailors

Chelmsford's WW I casualties, presented on Veteran's Day 2018

World War I Monument in Vinal Square

George Quessy Monument in West Chelmsford

World War II

East Chelmsford World War II Monument

Allan and Herbert Clark World War II Monument

Veterans Stage, William E. Belleville Sr. Monumnet

Vietnam War

Cpl Rudolph Lefebvre Jr. Memorial

Peter Blazonis Monument

Merrimack Valley Vietnam Veterans Memorial Stone

Vinal Square Vietnam War Memorial

Desert Storm / Iraqi Freedom

The Desert Storm Monument

Lance Cpl Andrew Zabierek Memorials

40 Byam Road, South Chelmsford, MA 01824 | Email: | Voicemail: 978-256-2311
Chelmsford Historical Society, Copyright © 1997-2024. All rights reserved