About Us
Organized in 1930, the Chelmsford Historical Society is a non-profit organization of people who care about Chelmsford's heritage and local history. The society is an educational and cultural resource for the Town of Chelmsford and the Merrimack Valley, dedicated to the preservation of the historical heritage of our town for the good of all of the people of Chelmsford.
Governing Documents:
Mission: The mission of the Society is to stimulate excitement, curiosity, and research into Chelmsford’s history and its people. We collect, protect, and conserve appropriate and historically significant artifacts related to our town. Creation and curation of exhibits that interpret the items in our collections allow visitors to discover and learn from their heritage.
The Historical Society's on-line archival management system supplements the paper records accumulated over at least 80 years, and has the advantage that our website links to those records for research and enjoyment by all.