The Guardian Award is to be presented yearly to the person who has exemplified the Town of Chelmsford motto "Let the children guard what the sires have won" by preserving, protecting, or restoring a piece of Chelmsford's history.
At the February meeting of the Board of Directors, any director may nominate a candidate for the award. The director may speak briefly on why he/she feels this person deserves consideration for this honor.
At the March Board of Directors meeting a vote will be held to select the winner. In order to win a candidate must receive at least 50% of the votes cast. If this doesn't happen on the first ballot, a run-off vote will be taken between the two candidates that received the most number of votes.
- No one who is a member of the Board of Directors when nominations are taken may be a candidate for this award.
- No person may win this award more than once.
The winner will be celebrated publicly at the Chelmsford Historical Society Annual Meeting in May. The winner may receive his/her plaque at this meeting or at a location deemed appropriate by a vote of the Board of Directors.
A plaque located at the Barrett-Byam house lists the names of the yearly winners. It shall be the duty of Vice President of the Chelmsford Historical Society to procure the plaque given to the winner as well as see that the name of the new winner is added to the plaque at the Barrett-Byam house.
The rules for this award may be amended anytime by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.