Tuesday, November 1st, 1864 Lowell, Meserve & myself went up town; had a high old time. Went to the Sanitary, got a lot of books. The steamer Greyhound arrives from Boston. Wednesday, November 2nd, 1864 On guard; quite rainy. Holmes is with me now; heard of Waitt being up river; arrested for stealing ham out of the Commissary. Thursday, November 3rd, 1864 It cleared off quite cool. Sabre drill this evening. Written to Henry. Friday, November 5th, 1864 Went up town to draw clothing. Guiding Star leaves for New York. Very warm. Sunday, November 6th, 1864 Inspection this morning. The Morning Star is stuck on the bar. Ball tonight at the Crescent Beer Garden. Richmond and I went up to French market. Got a custard pie. Monday, November 7th, 1864 Received a letter from home with the news of the death of my Uncle Daniel Proctor, also of the death of Henry Ingalls, who had just arrived home with the hundred days men, a comrade who was with me in 9 months campaigning Virginia in the 6th Regiment. Tuesday, November 8th 1864 Have written home. No drill today; quite rainy. Old Abe takes the seat for 4 years more. My birthday–23. Wednesday, November 9th, 1864 Went up town to the Sutler's; high old time on water. Thursday, November 10th, 1864 Flag drill; Sabre today. Amsterdam tonight. Friday, November 11th, 1864 Nothing new, Quite cool. A few mosquitoes yet. Saturday, November 12th, 1864 Cleaning up for Inspection. Steamer ________arrives from New York. Very warm and pleasant. Sunday, November 13th,1864 On guard; beautiful day. The steamer and Champion arrive from New York. Received a letter from Dane. My old comrade H. Ingalls, was buried in the village churchyard under arms; a beautiful man. Tonight should like to be at home. Monday, November 14th, 1864 Received 2 letters from Lysander, 1 from Mother one from Newell, and the box came today with many good things from home. Very warm. Tuesday, November 15th, 1864 Have written to Lysander. Rainy. Received paper from Henry. Wednesday, November 16th, 1864 Have written to Hiram Dane. Very warm. Plenty of mosquitoes. Thursday, November 17th, 1864 Deluce and I went up to the Sutler's; got some butter. Great time in the Amsterdam; the patrol chased us and fired upon us; no one was hurt; brick bats flew; policemen were laid out; boys of the 21st Ind. Battery were with us; gay time. Friday, November 18th, 1864 Written to Newell. Very warm. Mosquitoes as thick as in July. Signed the pay roll. Sabre drill this forenoon. Saturday, November 19th, 1864 Cleaning up for Inspection. Steamer Snonda and Cromwell leave for New York. Evening Star arrives from New York. Sunday, November 20th, 1864 Inspection this morning. Very rainy all day. Quite cool tonight. Received letter from Home. Hear of 5 officers and 2 men each are going to leave for White River. Monday, November 21st, 1864 Written home; received 3 papers from Lysander. It has been very cold today–expect to freeze tonight. Hear of Old Abe re-elected. Tuesday, November 22nd, 1864 Almost froze last night. Grout starts for Mass. tonight on a furlough. He is going to see Lysander. Four of us went up to Rampart street with coat for Capt. Penguin. Wednesday, November 23 rd, 1864 On guard; very cool. Went up town, drew clothing. Frank and I had money; had a time. We visited the U. S. Mint, a splendid building; we saw the many different ways in which money is coined; splendid machinery. Not anything is doing there now. Thursday, November 24th–Thanksgiving Day, 1864 Went up town; went to Richlieu's salloon and had a gay and festive dinner, but not turkey. Should like to be at home. A gay time in the barracks tonight; several lads were very happy. Friday, November 25th, 1864 Flag drill is the order of this morning. It is very warm–glad to see it. Steamer leaves for New York. Went up town. Saw Admiral Farragut; he was standing in his house on Canal street; he is a rough looking lad. Saturday, November 26th, 1864 Getting ready for inspection. Evening Star and Cromwell leave for New York; quite warm; Steamer Ariel came up tonight; mail tomorrow. Sunday, November 27th, 1864 Received a letter from Sumner. A new recruit for the Signal Corps. Ball at Amsterdam tonight. A beautiful day. Written to Lysander; sent two letters to Laura. Monday, November 28th, 1864 Very warm today. Guiding Star arrived from New York–no mail for me. Shoved up some things and got some apples and oranges. Tuesday, November 29th, 1864 Another inspection today, a general inspection. S. Ariel leaves for New York. Very warm and pleasant. Wednesday, November 30th, 1864 Flag drill this afternoon. Lowell had a box. I had a piece of mince pie; it was bully! Took a walk down on the Levee. Very warm. The river is very high. |