17-born in Lowell,Mass., January 10, 1885 23-moved to North Chelmsford the same year 31-father worked in Lamson's Machine Shop 39-then worked a section on B&M Railroad 45-first lived on Primceton Street 55-father started working for B&M in 1885 61-father died in 1914 66-school was on Princeton Street,where Fire Station is today 78-"I used to raise the dickens in school, and I wasn't getting nowhere" 83-uncle took him to Bartlett school 90-lived with grandmother until graduation in 1900 101-at age 11, worked ten weeks of summer vacation at G.C. Moore 107-"apprentice doffer", description of process 119-wool 121-58 hours per week, 5 days; 6:30 to 12; 12:45 to 5:45, and Saturdays 6-12 133-pay was 2.90 a week 140-second year doffer earned 3.48 per week 144-girls in the spinning room earned 5.22 a week 150-boys picking up waste and oilers earned 4.64 a week 157-older women in roping room (before yarn was spun) earned 6.38 to 7.25 a week. "it was heavy work 161-man's average pay was 1.40 to 1.50 per day, or approximately $9.00 a week 173-location of Moore's Mill 180-original building on left going through mill yard from Midilesex to Princeton Streets 196-fire at Shaw's Store, Second Congregational Church 201-caused by Mr. Shaw's dog 203-Bookkeeper had an old hanging lamp on the floor to heat the office (Miss Draper), the dog knocked it over 208-bookkeeper picked up the light 212-Mr .Tobin was on top of the wool wagon, about 8 years old, jumped down off the wagon, ran to railroad station and told agent John Henry Clark to call Lowell Fire Dept. 231-building burned to the ground, including Second Congregational Church of North Chelmsford 237-Church and mill were connected 243-after fire Moore built his church out to the street, over the burned property 253-Mr. Shaw took over another building further down, it was taken over by Queen and Small when Mr Shaw died 278-G.C. Moore benefiiied greatly from the young summer help he was able to hire, he saved a considerable amount of money, he paid very low wages to younger help and got over 50% more work 306-first year he was an apprentice l second year worked in the combing room for 4.64 a week 316-finished school in 1900, worked at the Baldwin Mill (Now Gilet) 322-Mr Edgar Dixon was Superintendent 330-worked feeding washing machines 353-job hunt 357-trouble with Mr. Dixon 358-swimming hole 368-Mr. Tobin thrown into canal 376-Lowell paper route 382-G.C. Prince coordinated paper distribution 402-job offer, Baldwin Mills 410-Silver and Gay Machine Shop burned previous year (lt was located where Hadley Upholstery Shop is) 418-racial references 435-went inside mill for summer 436-fed wool to dryers 441-assisted Owney McGraugh (80) 446-on morning McGraugh didn't show for work, Mr. Tobin took the initiative and Mr. Dixon made him boss 504-stayed at Baldwin 11 years 507-worked late hours and Sundays 515-Liberty Square, Lowell, up Fletcher St., from Depot, made electric motors 520-this was around 1902 522-had contract for fans used in stoker rooms of US Battleships 527-wanted to be a winder 529-discouraged because he was Only allowed to run a lathe 532-others with influence got jobs before him 537-Mr. Dixon lived on the corner fo Church and Middlesex Sts. 542-requested Mr. Tobin to come back to Baldwin Mills 549-used to visit North Chelmsford Depot at night when he was young; sometimes stayed with operator all night, learned Morse Code 553-April 19, 1906 took electric car to Boston to take dispatchers exam to work on railroad 563-Mr. Trombley, Agent in North Chelmsford, one day delivered a message to Mr. Tobin to report to Clinton Junction for work 565-he was to care for the transfer of mail going into Worcester on the WN&P 570-worked there 6 to 8 months 572-traveled by electric car 578-then became the checker at North Chelmsford station when Ed Dougherty left his job to work at the Robinson Mill in Lowell 583-Tobin was able to transfer immediatly 596-the Checker's job in North was to check cargo going into the mills; Tobin did this for a few months, then another job opening occurred when Arther Wheeler, the telegraph operator left 607-double shift 623-job advancement 634-pay at North Chelmsford 641-transferred to West Chelmsford for about 6 months 650-then became an agent, 1906-1910 654-bid off the first trick operator and ticket agent in North Somerville; worked there 6 or 7 months 658-then took a temporary third trick bid in Lowell 670-worked in Lowell depot for five years 673-North Chelmsford Tower was near the Merrimack River, behind Proctor Lumber near the foot of Church Street 682-worked the Tower for 33 years 683-then all the Towers were consolidated 696-went to Tower on Plain Street 15-worked there 1948-1956, retired from B&M after 50 years 30-this work involved operation of levers to throw track switches 39-Lowell had one of the biggest towers in the East 52-train director in North Chelmsford 54-governed tracks between N. Chel. and Ayer 87-received "Gold Pass" on retirement 140-Industry in North Chelmsford 145-Foundry, Coal Iron Works, Silver and Gay, G.C.Moore, Turner Belt Co. 161-Frank McKittrick 175-near to being a millionaire 183-Mr Moore's brother owned Brookside Mills in West Chelmsford, beginnings of wool scouring 189-after gaining success in West, wool scouring moved to North Chelmsford 196-Moore built a large tank 32"hX6'1X12'w 202-wool was scoured by soaking in these tubs 214-when it was sufficiently scoured, it was raised and drained 220-then it was rived with clean water and moved along to next process 242-here it was dried and bagged in burlap 248-the next process was "picking" to fluff the fleece 256-Carding machine 269-Guild Boxes 275-Combing Machine 280-then to the women in the drawing room 286-spinning and twisting 298-West Chelmsford, Old File Shop, near a big dam 307-began making swords and bayonets for Civil War 316-rivalry between North Chelmsford and Center 321-"They got everything over there, we didn't get nothing" 326-Jim Dunigan, State Rep., ran coal company 335-tried to hitch North Chelmsford Sewer System into Lowell at no cost 351-average laborer earned between 1.40 and 1.50 per day 360-as agent in West Chelmsford earned $1.80 per day for seven days 370-at retirement in 1956, earning $16.00 per day 378-daughter worked for B&M in Boston 383-Frank Rourke superintendent for B&M 393-sent daughter to Glacey, an official who was later arrested for selling Railroad property 398-daughter sent to schools in Boston to learn contometers 407-worked in General Managers office 418-son Bill worked at Wentworth Institute 455-Gay Street Library, on mill side of street 484-Chelmsford Politicians mostly from Center, farm owners "pretty well to do, seemed to beat us out on everything" 495-no industry in Center, except Chelmsford Ginger Ale 509-Members of St John's Parish, helped build St. Mary's Church What follows are descriptions of pictures shown to Mr Tobin. This was done for purposes of identification and for narrative material for the Slide Tape Show End of interview |