11-born in Lowell, 1899 16-lived in Highlands 21-father was a butcher 25-knew little of Lowell Mills 30-attended Dover Street Primary, Morey Grammar and Lowell High 39-parents moved to Chelmsford after Esther's graduation from High School, around 1918-1919 66-moved to Chelmsford to "get out of the city" 73-father liked gargens 76-bought a home on Lowell Road, now Chelmsford Street 86-home displaced when Rte. 495 was built 91-worked during WWI at US Cartridge, Lowell in Master Mechanics Office 98-very busy during the war 104-US Cartridge was on Lawrence Street, the building is still there 111-married in 1921, only worked part time 117-streetcars was the form of transportation 126-Girl Scouting in Chelmsford, Sunday School at the Unitarian Church wanted to start a club to meet during the week 130-met at home on Chelmsford Street, group decided to be Girl Scouts 134-there was only one troop in Lowell, so the Chelmsford group contacted headquarters in Bostbn 138-process for starting a troop, dealt with Boston, had a big meeting, took Girl Scout Oath,paid dues and became Girl Scouts 148-"it grew and grew and grew" 155-Mrs Woodward stayed in Scouting until 1949 (since 1919) 159-later became member of Lowell Council which didn't exist in 1919 167-Girl Scout Activities,met weekly t had full cooperation of entire Town 173-met in Unitarian Church, later McFarlin School 176-later there were more troops and headquarters was established in Lowell 181-troops were organized in Churches in Lowell 184-first troop in area was in First Congregational, Lowell 186-there was only one troop in Chelmsford for a long time, girls were from all over town, though there were not many from the North 189-transportation was a problem, there was no means of going back and forth to North, no direct line anyway, people had to travel through Lowell 194-there were girls from East, South and Center 204-troops had plays in Town Hall, food sales, sold Girl Scout candy and cookies 215-much less interest in selling cookies then 219-troop attended Church in group on Girl Stout Sunday 221-marched in Memorial Day Parade,and Fourth of July 222-decorated floats for Fourth, won many prizes 229-soon after marriage,had twin boys,in summer had a few scoutd over each day to earn Child Nurse Badge 234-attended annual rallies in Boston,a man in town with an open truck put benches along the sides for a ride to Boston, Everett Whitcomb 244-at one of the rallies saw Juliet Lowe, Lord and Lady Baden Powell 245-Juliet Lowe was a Southerner who founded Girl Scouts in the US 247-Baden-Powells, founded organization in England 253-Philosophy of Girl Scouting-character building,as well as learning how to do other things,cooking,craftwork,child care 259-learned from doing work required by badges 261-Lowell had a Drum Corps, some Chelmsford Girls belonged, they had to wear long black stockings; the entire Chelmsford troop, was required to wear long black stockings, this was not a popular directive 278-there were traditional hikes to Robins Hill, to Nabnasset 279-weekend camping trips to Camp in Pelham,N.H. 284-Mr Whitcomb transported girls in open truck with luggage 287-many went to camp for the entire summer 295-interest in scouting was always high 300-Girl Scouting grew quickly in Chelmsford becauseit was the thing to do", this is one of the reasons the troop was so active 303-there was tremendous cooperation from the Town, it helped out wherever possible, Girl Scouts were involved in community work 307-Red Cross Drives, Church functions 313-"There was just that feeling that the Girl Scouts were in Town and that they could be called on for help" 315-Girl Scouts of all denominations attended Church of own faith on G S Sunday 334-not much athletic activity in school s nor was much social activity offered," that ls why Girl Scouting was the thing to do" 339-normally 100% attendance at activities because there wasn't much else to draw their attention other places 341-girls learned a lot o mothers cooperated on home badges such as sewing and cooking 346-girls probably more anxious to learn domestic arts because their friends were doing it 378-Merit Badge requirements were stated in manual 383-troop was always in uniform PERSONAL HISTORY: 395-moved to South Chelmsford approximately 1965-66, really a "center" person (tone difficulty in tape_ 408-South, an older part of town 420-Chelmsford has changed a lot,"The town has improved in many ways of course because it has grown, but I liked the small town where I knew everybody. I don't enjoy it as much as I used to because I don't know people in it as I did." 426-"When you live in a town, and feel that you know everyone in it, the town is home to you, and when you don't know one quarter of the people in it, why you just don't feel quite as much at home" 429-Chelmsford Center, 1920's, automobile place for selling and trading cars, Odd Fellows Hall, dancing and wrestling matches 440-Meat Markey and grocery store, when twins were born,owner of grocery gave Mrs. Woodward two large laundry baskets for beds 445-had twins in Lowell General Hospital stayed there for three weeks 458-there wasn't much recreation offered for youth 465-Church provided most activity 466-that's one reason scouting grew so fast 469-used to go to Adams Library regularly for books 477-popular place SIDE TWO 20-Depression, knew no families who were terribly bad off 29-husband,Clarence worked in Lowell Institution for Savings, failure of Lowell banks caused some distress,friends constantly requested advice on financial activities 43-finally resorted to form answer "Whatever money I have in the Lowell Institution will stay there" 56-Church Alliance sometimes did food baskets for those in need 71-Poor Farm-knew little about it but was good friend of Simi Simard,once a superintendent;the last one before the Farm was closed by the state End of interview |