SIDE ONE 13-born in Lowell, Brunswick Block, above Depot on Middlesex Street 21-father worked for American Express 39-moved to corner of Hale and Thorndike Streets, near County Jail 54-attended Elliot and Edson Schools, then Lowell High 60-involved in "Special Studies" in High School 64-achievement allowed early job placement 72-worked at Pratt and Forest for five years 76-graduated from High School in 1916 84-flowers in the jail yard were beautiful 99-American Hide and Leather was near Jail on Thorndike St. 103-worked for a time at James Turner Manufacturing near the Central Fire Station 112-worked also at J.C. Ayer 119-married in 1923 125-left work to care for family 135-returned to work twenty years later 137-worked at a dairy; for twenty years (?) 143-Daughters of the American Revolution-member also belonged to Business and Professional Women's Club, and Middlesex Women's Club 153-purpose of Business and Professional Women's Clubit was open to any woman in business or a profession 180-its aim was the advancement of women,not particularly the liberation of women 182-"women were advancing well" 199-the club served as an incentive 203-retirement 226-moved to Florida but began to miss the trees of New England (discussion returns to earlier life) 301-working hours and wages at Pratt and Forest 311-complications of Lumber Business 321-a raise in pay brought income of nine dollars a week this was considered "pretty good"for a woman 329-cost of living, clothes were quite expensive 332-a shirtwaist for example cost a lot 345-stores didn't carry much in the line of clothes people usually made their own clotheis or had to hire a seamstress 353-hats were "Very beautiful" 369-food was cheaper 370-Fire Department-father was employed as a fireman 380-circumstances of the job, twenty four hours a day 382-horse drawn engine 385-typical work week 392-"day off regulations" 398-fines for not appearing at fire, even on days off 402-salary $19.50 per week, less fines 406-fire prone areas, Tanner Street, a congested area many rag collectors 412-there was a fire bell in subject's home 420-family always delivered hot chocolate to men at fire 427-fires were frequent at the Mattress Factory on Tanner Street 432-at the time there was no Red Cross or Salvation Army to provide services 437-no comparison between today's fire departments and those of the past 446-changeover from horse drawn wagons to trucks 453-Fire House at the corner of Lane and Westford Streets was formerly the "hook and ladder fire house" 472-Recreation "English Garden" trips to cemetery with flowers 482-trolley to Lakeview, five cents always bought a five cent bag of chips 488-Merrimack Park, on Rte. 110 near the present Royal Feast Chip Factory 498-originally known as "Belle Grove", there was a dance hall and a Roller Coaster 508-often went to the Canal Walk with friends on Sundays 515-Willowdale, short walk from Lakeview Pagoda foe dancing and skating popular orchestras and dances "Virginia Reel" 538-WOMEN, the word "discrimination" was never heard 542-Professional Clubs were for the advancement of women 553-a woman's place is in the home with the children 560-comment on today's permissiveness and its harmful results 621-settlement of America,Westward Movement progress, changes in technology 660-World War I, knit for troops through a Red Cross project among High School Students 669-Bond Sales 670-end of the war 672-Armistice, Celebration 678-streets jammed, "pandemonium", happiness everywhere 683-dull, dreary, cold November day 684-businesses closed everywhere 687-homecoming everything was free to the soldiers big celebration on the South Common 691-earlier years there was no fear of walking the streets at night 697-it was safe to walk through the South Common and on Highland street 704-the only source of fear was the Hale Street Bridge because it was very dark SIDE TWO 08-never any trouble like today 16-unnecessaey to lock doors 23-impact of this experience and situation today is vast, older people not used to this situation are terrified 36-compares today's morality to yesterday's (at length) 78-parents owned a cottage on Forge Village Pond 88-to get there they had to take a trolley to North Chelmsford and then board another car to Ayer this trolley car was on the Railroad tracks and moved a lot faster than the local cars 100-stopped across the lake l had to take boat to cottage 114-on work days, took the early morning train from Ayer, got to Lowell by eight 124-train and trolley tracks ran parallel 131-at cottage l entertainment was provided by a victrola familiar songs; "Moonlight on the Wabash" spent much time dancing 146-there was lost of singing 195-Depression 209-prefers to forget 218-some apprehension about the banks 230-WPA 240-rent, thirty five dollars per month 250-husband worked at Beaver Brook Mill closed during the depression 270-Depression had a strong effect on those who lived through it 274-decline of the Lowell mills strikes, American Hide and Leather, one of the best paid industries struck for more money, Company forced to close 288-by forming unions workers hurt themselves, strikes caused many businesses to leave Lowell i.e. Bigelow Hartford 297-uncle was an overseer 303-there was also the realization that the cotton industry could operate more cheaply in the South 310-firm belief that the unions went too far and as a result the people lost out 323-"I love Lowell" 329-beauties of Lowell 351-stories of life with grandparents Grandfather took several trips back and forth to England 384-grandfather's letters 387-immigration from England, returned there to marry 415-London, grandfather became policeman 420-perambulator walks 429-move to Lowell 441-love for Shakespeare 445-grandfather made 21 voyages to England 490-grandfather's name was David Willman 493-his first trip to America took three months by sailboat, came to Lowell to work so he could return to England to marry 507-wool sorter in one of the mills 516-returns to discussion of own education; in 1912 won City of Lowell Essay Contest writing on Cotton Industry Edson School 532-Mr.Burbank principal End of interview |