Chelmsford Historical Society
Outline of Interview Mar 19, 1975 Frederick and Mildred Griffen
12-born in Westford, on a farm in Parker Village
20-this was near Carlisle, between Rtes. 225 and 27
27-his father sold strawberries and milk
37-school was one room, containing eight grades
45-there were approximately thirty students
49-the teacher boarded out in Westford because transportation was a problem
61-Miss Park taught for a time
68-Griffin traveled through South Chelmsford often, to go to the store
75-John Emerson's store was beside Liberty Hall
86-Emerson's father ran the Post Office
97-Henry Stavely's blacksmith shop was entertainment for the children
119-George Waite ran a fruit stand
125-Bellville and Waite had "hot Houses" on Dupee's Hill on Parkerville Road where they raised fruits and vegetables
137-Chelmsford Center Grist Mill on Cushing Place, ground corn for the townspeople
148-horse and team was normal transportation
154-dances at Liberty Hall in South Chelmsford were run by Bessie Emerson
159-Spring dances were held at the Cranberry Bog, near Carlisle
166 -Sammy Motham's band played
174-transportation anywhere required a horse and wagon
182-there were stables near the Center Railroad station, a person could leave his horse, there and ride the streetcar into Lowell
185-trolley fare was ten cents
192-Mr. Griffin enjoyed trips to Lowell
195-made daily trips to Lowell in the summer to sell strawberries to the stores
203-cost from eight cents to two for twenty five cents for a box
207-there was passenger service on the Railroad
216-the 7:30 A.M. train always carried milk
218-ice for the milk was bought at Brigham's Ice House on Baptist Pond in South Chelmsford
225-Gage built an Ice House a few years later near Byam's Grove
227-Metropolitan Ice House was near by
239-nearly a full car of milk was loaded daily at the Carlisle Depot
248-milk cans were placed on a platform which was hoisted
into the Railroad oar
250-farmers were paid once a month by milk companies, usually based in Boston such as the Doyle Brothers
262-milk went first to Framingham, then to Boston
264-Central Block, Odd Fellows Hall
266-weekly movies there
276-Silent Films
281-operated by Frank Park
285-admission twenty five cents
289-Dr. Harris the Vet had an office in the Center
300-Lowell held an attraction to a country farmer
319-had no desire to work in a mill
325-took over folk's farm, fire in 1935 destroyed everything
334-"I was Poor"
338-homes bought a barrel of flour a month; $4.50 for 198 lbs
350-problems in title to farmhouse
360-fire destroyed ownership papers
365-had one hundred acres of land and no buildings
367-finally sold the hundred acres for $1500.00
371-went to work at Canada Dry Ginger Ale
381-went to Lowell for Entertainment;Polo Games at Crescent Rink on Hurd Street
394-polo on roller skates "Rollo Polo"
408-experiences at Town Meeting in Westford
424-proposed ten percent reduction in Town salaries, the motion carried and he was nicknamed "ten percent Griffin"
431-he was attempting to assist in lowering the tax rate
445-John Sullivan, Chief of Police
469-Mr. Haley, tax collector in Granitville, concerning property taxes
491-Depression was not too bad, if people raised their own food
500-Griffin ran a self sufficient farm
512-participated in "surplus milk" program, that is, farmers
sold milk for three cents a quart, it sold in the market for five
532-manufactirers were especially hard hit by the Depression
540-cities were the hardest hit
553-Coolidge? (he must mean Hoover here)
569-"we'd be better off in olden times"
579-life on the farm was "hard but wonderful"
611-Saturday afternoon, after chores was reserved for sports
617-joined Central Baptist Church 1935
619-baptismal rite
630-Baptist Pond
633-father's experience in Church
640-prayer meetings at Westford Schoolhouse
649-started egg route after selling farm
656-made five cents profit on each dozen
657-also sold apples and vegetables
662-bought apples for fifty cents a bushel (40 lbs)
667-sold five lbs for twenty five cents
697-Golden Cove Race Track
706-Gun Club South Chelmsford founded1898, Frank Byam first president
726-hunting contests and games
730-Winner's Supper
734-points for each animal
768-Frank Hazen
788-fifty to one hundred participants from all over the area
795-no shooting accidents

40-born in Lowell, East Merrimack St.
45-father was a motorman on the horse drawn trolley Clarence Eugene Allen
49-he was born in Highgate, Vermont
52-came to Lowell for work
60-salary approximately eight dollars a week
66-pot bellied stove and straw to retain heat on trolley
82-ran Chelmsford to Lowell to Varnum Ave. route
95-Mrs. Griffin attended school in Lowell
97-moved to Middlesex Village, Middlesex Park
116-attended Middlesex Village School
123-went to Morey School, graduated 1919
131-Swanton, Vt.
152-moved to 92 Chelmsford St.
150-mother renarried (after father's death) Edward Wilkins
164-went to one year of high school in Chelmsford
167-worked in office of Fletcher and Donovan Plumbing Shop in Central Square, Godin's in there today, next to Puritan Motors
183-there was a shop downstairs
189-Walter Fletcher and John Donovan,proprietors
192-Mr.Fletcher especially did plumbing work in Brookline area
194-business diminished by Stock Market Crash
205-remained in business, moved to Hotel block then to Wilson St.
226-Allen "Sam" Fletcher
239-after leaving plumbing business, did house work for thirty cents an hour
245-as bookkeeper made ten dollars a week
252-cleaned house for local prominent families
      Mrs. Edward Robbins,husband a politician
      Mrs. Harold Clayton,Clayton Hoisery
      Mrs. Eustace Fiske
      Mrs. F.A. Fiske
      Mrs. Woodhead
273-Miss Frances Clark, school teacher
322-Lowell was a nice place
334-Mr. Griffin's great uncle operated gates on Pawtucket Canal
346-Flood of 1936, damage in North Chelmsford
351-Tyngsboro Road flooded
364-water reached road section of Centralville Bridge
383-Francis Gate saved the city
396-flooding in Chelmsford Center
402-cause of flood
409-stories of heavy snow

End of interview
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