Chelmsford Historical Society
Outline of Interview March 5,1975 Mr. Arnaud Blackadar
This interview was conducted in an office at Town Hall and there is occasional noise interference such as a telephone, adding machine and voices.

15-born in 1904, moved to Chelmsford in 1908
18-lived at the "Homestead" on Warren Avenue
26-early education
30-school at site of fire station on North Road
35-there were originally nine grades of grammar school and four grades of high school
39-at that time there was only one principal for the entire school
43-Common was the athletic field
63-it was fenced in at the time
69-Emerson Farm
74-Chelmsford Center, there were a few stores
79-there were lots of opportunities for young people to work
89-vandalism was unheard of
93-Courier Citizen paper delivery boy;the routes were rugged
98-the papers arrived on the first trolley car from Lowell at 5:30 A.M. at Parkhurst's Grocery in the Emerson Block
108-there was lots, more snow then
113-description of paper routes
125-papers were 25 cents a month
130-Courier Citizen received 56% of Proceeds
132-paperboy kept 44% which was approximately six dollars and fifty cents per month
139-Coal Pockets at Chelmsford Center Railroad station
147-coal was taken from here by horse and wagon
150-accident, the misfortune of Mr. Dryden
160-the entire Town came to his rescue
166-Grain Store
171-grain came into town on the train;had to be unloaded and bagged
184-graduated from High School in 1922
187-Mill Pond, controlled flow of Beaver Brook nice place for swimming abd skating
194-Baptists used to have Baptisms there
201-Mill Pond, at the end of Cushing Place,once extended to the Bartlett Property
207-Chelmsford Ginger Ale
213-fire burned out plant
216-fire alarm was Church Bells; there was a small box outside the church containing a key to get inside to ring the bells in case of fire
221-everyone went to help
225-fire equipment-hand pumper and two hose reels
229-housed in building behind Town Hall
235-crude equipment, not much could be done if there was no water hole or well near the fire
236-the hose reel was drawn by horses
244-sidewalks only were plowed in winter by a horse drawn °Vflshaped plow
247-snow was always left on the streets for sledding
254-the sidewalks were always sanded
259-transportation;streetears, seats along the sides
265-in summer,open cars were used
267-fare into Lowell was five cents
272-there was passenger servtce on the Railroad
274-the Center depot was on Littleton Road where the Texaco Station is today, next to the Vlahos Block
277-there were two passenger trains in the morning and two at night
286-boys could get jobs carrying the mail from the train to the post Office,the job payed well
297-there were three general grocery stores
301-there was a meat market under the Hotel
308-hotel owned by George Wilson
311-Odd Fellows Hall
318-second floor hall
321-Grange, more popular then
328-there were only a few centers of social activity
      1) Church
      2) Grange
      3) 0dd Fellows which was similar to the Masons
334-Odd Fellows Hall contained the first movie theatre in town l in the days of W.S.Hart and Charlie Chaplin
338-admission to Park's Theatre was five cents (a higher admission charge is recalled by another interviewee,perhaps there is a difference in the particular years each party is referring to)
340-the theatre was operated by Mr. Park, Charlotte DeWoif's father
345-Fletcher and Donovan's Plumbing Shop
351-wheelwright shop
354-Blacksmith shop
363-Adam's Library,George Hall addition
368-no school libraries then
376-girls always took out fairy tale books
377-only two books could be taken at one time, for two weeks
382-the population of Chelmsford was about five thousand until the late 1930's
386-the North section was where the factories were G.C. Moore's Wool Scouring
393-electric car line, Stoney Brook Railroad carried a lot of Freight
402-Steam Train went through Chelmsford at 11:30 P.M. it was known as the "Bull Moose because of its unusually loud whistle and bigger engine
407-Circus came through town by the Center Railroad on its way to Lowell,There were two or three small circuese each year in addition to Barnum and Bailey
414-they came through Chelmsford on route to the Fiar Grounds on Gorham Street in Lowell
417-groups of boys slept on the Common,waiting'for the train, then they followed it to Lowell, worked for free admission
422-winter sports, ice skating l could skate from Russel's Pond (man made) on Mill Road to the Harvard Brewery on Hale's Brook
436-sledding on Bartlett Street
442-double runners for ten or twelve people
445-people of all ages enjoyed sledding
447-took some long runs
453-Church suppers
456-Wednesday night prayer meetings provided a night out
460-social life centered around the churches
462-attended the new high school on Billerica Street the first full class entered in 1918
469-first school buses were called "Barges" they were covered wagons pulled by horses
476-consolidation of North and Center high schools first four year graduating class, 1922
479-sixteen graduates
485-organized sports, baseball and track
490-engaged in sports which didn't require equipment
498-"barges" truck chassis with body and seats
510-serviced students who lived one mile or more away
515-ice storms stripped branches off trees, knocked phone lines down
527-Town Band, bandstand on Common
534-North Chelmsford Silesia Symphony, Mr. Larkin the director
529-there was also a big Band in Forge Village sponsored by the Textile mills
548-Poor Farm,intersection Golden Cove and Billerica Streets
554-a lot of land connected with it
556-farm maintained by a married couple
559-inmates were usually elderly; occasionally there was a maiden lady the farm raised beef to defray expenses
571-normally families took care of their own elderly
575-inmates were people without families, it was a dignified and well operated place
579-class distinctions
581-wealth on Bartlett street and High Street,lawyers, president of the Appleton National Bank,an Insurance Agent
597-most worked in Lowell
599-Blackadar's father was a piano tuner and refinisher
602-he traveled around the area on a bicycle
609-Blackadar came from a family of seven
611-father worked at Bon Marche which had a large music department they guaranteed to tune their pianos twice a year
619-popularity of the piano dwindled with the introduction of radio
625-the Harvard Brewery employed many persons in the area
630-and there was a knife factory
632-Lowell was not strictly devoted to textiles
642-train travel was common and comfortable
654-life after high school
656-worked for highway department rebuilding Acton Road
660-in the fall,went to work at the Grain Mill
662-Saco-Lowell Shop for two and a half years on the erecting floor. Set up machinery for test runs, dissembled and packed the machines.Then became time keeper
676-Went to work at the Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank, but it was dull indolent work. The bank was open until nine on Saturdays because it was the only day the mill workers were free to shop
685-starting pay was fifty dollars a month
687-rented a room in Lowell
689-but the pay was difficult to live on
692-after a year his pay was raised to seventy five dollars a month
697-then he joined a friend in the construction business in Philadelphia

15-soon returned home but couldn't find work
25-joined the Army in 1927, spent three years in the Engineers Corps in Honolulu
33-returned home in 1931 worked picking apples
38-then went to work for an ice company in Westford
41-Ice harvesting;had to be fourteen to sixteen inches thick
58-a peice of horse drawn equipment scored the ice
67-men sawed along the score marks;used a big saw with a stick through the handle so two men could operate it
71-size of ice cakes 30" wide X3Plong X14-16" thick
79-cut flow of six blocks, floated then to the runway of the ice house
91-filled the ice house then insulated it with sawdust this preserved it all summer
98-ice houses were usually three stories high
104-the mass prevented melting, and there was sawdust insulation in the walls
111-ice was sold in large blocks
114-each house had a card which they displayed in the window whenever they needed ice, the ice man fit the block into the ice chest
123-a pan caught the water as it melted
135-there were large ice houses on Crystal Lake on the west side where the dam broke, near the highway
143- there were two ice houses on Baptist Pond l one belonging to Gage of Lowell, the other owned by the Boston Ice Company, The ice was moved by train
159-some of Gage Ice Company Houses in Lowell were four and six stories tall
161-ice harvesting ended with the onset of artificial ice making
174-advent of refrigeration
194-ice harvesting was not especially dangerous work
224-after 1932,Blackadar worked at the Lawrence Manufacturing company o got job through friend's influence
238-then he bought out a cardboard box shop and began a small business
244-sold out in 1958
259-worked for brother-in law's plastic moulding firm for ten years
259- became Town Accountant in 1967
265-had served two years as a Selectman
281-exempted from World War II because of his children and his business
289-at the time he manufactured armament materials
310-Franklin Roosevelt
326-suffered less in the Depression than others
348-Lowell Post Office
351-WPA work on sewer lines
355-revision project, Town Maps
358-project transcribing old records
362-WPA worked three days a week
385-Republican opposition to FDA
389-Socialistic programs
396-experimental administration eg. bank holiday
407-some banks didn't recover
408-Trust Company at Towers Corner
428-FDR and autocrat, had a "King Complex"
511-growth of Chelmsford after World War II, especially housing
515-1950 population was five thousand
517-1975 population thirty four thousand
519-"bedroom town" for Boston and Rte 128 industry

End of interview
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