Chelmsford Historical Society
A & P, Route 3 Cinema, Stop and Shop - 199 Chelmsford Street
  • 1940 - An overpass for the new Route 3 (then called the Turnpike) was constructed near Raymond Osborn's Dodge - Plymouth dealership at 293 Chlemsford Street on the west side of Glen Avenue
  • Apr 1941 - Raymond's wife Ruth saw a commercial development opportunity and purchased the five+ acres between Glen Avenue, the railroad, the new Route 3, and Chelmsford Street.
Chelmsford Newsweekly May 1, 1941 (colorized by FM)
  • Oct 1953 - Ruth had this land surveyed and in November sold a subdivided 3.05 acres to Sofia Costa who the same day leased this lot to the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (A & P)
  • Jan 1954 - The A & P lease started on January 1st for a 5-year term with an option to extend after 5 years
  • Feb 1954 - The A & P Super Market had its grand opening the week of February 11
Chelmsford Newsweekly February 11, 1954
Chelmsford Newsweekly April 8, 1954 (colorized by FM)
  • Apr 1954 - The town was concerned about the rapid rate of business growth at the interchange with the new Route 3
Chelmsford Newsweekly February 11, 1954
Chelmsford Newsweekly December 30, 1954 (colorized by FM)
Chelmsford Newsweekly February 17, 1955
  • Jan 1960 - The Koufman Constuection company of Boston leased the 299 Chelmsford Street property to the A & P Company for an eight-year term starting March 1st, 1960, with rights to extend. By this time the A & P stores were in decline as they failed to keep pace with competitors that opened larger stores with more modern features demanded by customers
  • Feb 1964 - With poor traffic flow and competition from Market Basket in the East Gate Plaza across the street, the lease was terminated early, and Koufman Constructioin sold the property to Cinema Realty, Inc. on february 10, 1964
  • Jun 1964 - The Route 3 Cinema opened on June 3, 1964, with twin screens
Found on the internet (http:/ /
  • Jan 1967 - A third screen was added this month
Found on the internet (http:/ /
  • Nov 1967 - A permit was issued for construction of additionsl screens at the rear of the building
Circa 1970, Showing the addition in the rear (Found in a Google Search)
  • Jan 1976 - The Board of Selectmen became concerned about an increase of X-rated films being shown
Chelmsford Newsweekly January 8, 1976

X-Rated Movies - Selectmen met with Philip Scuderi, part owner of the Route 3 Cinema, to discuss what the Board described as an "increase of X-rated films being shown at the Cinema." The Board was also questioning why ratings were missing from recent newspaper ads announcing films now playing at the local theater. Scuderi was reminded of an agreement made several years ago with the theater's management at which time it was decided to adopt a policy of refraining from X-rated or "hard-core" pornographic films. Scuderi was asked if the policy, as everyone understood it, had undergone any changes. The Board was prompted to meet with the theater's management as a result of Selectman Murphy's concern over several films which were shown there this past year such as "Emmanuel" and "Super Vixen."

Scuderi agreed that perhaps "Super Vixens" was a "mistake in judgment" but he expressed the opinion that on the whole the films shown at Rte. 3 showed that a careful selection was being made to conform to the agreed-upon policy. It was his contention that during this past year only 4 films were questionable: the two already mentioned plus "Last Tango in Paris" and "True Blue." Describing briefly the manner of selecting films from those available, Scuderi said it was not always possible to have complete control, and an attempt is made to obtain films which have gained wide acceptance among sophisticated audiences as well as those which would appeal to a general audience. As to the absence of ratings in advertising, Scuderi said he would look into this and correct the situation. At the end of the discussion both the Board and Scuderi agreed the meeting was a "worthwhile exchange" of ideas.

  • May 1984 - The Board of Selectmen were considering how to deal with the high traffic volume at the intersection on week nights when the theater let out
Circa 1984, Busy afternoon (Posted on Facebook by Jeff Ames, colorized by FM)     
Chelmsford Newsweekly May 17, 1984 page 1
Chelmsford Newsweekly May 17, 1984 page 40
  • Sep 1991 - Route 3 Cinema City was denied a permit for a new theater unless they paid up past due taxes and improved the cleanliness of the faiclity
Chelmsford Independent September 5, 1991 page 1
Chelmsford Independent September 5, 1991 page 8
  • Dec 1992 - The Showcase Cinema near the Crosspoint Towers in Lowell opened in direct competitioin to the Route 3 Cinema City on December 19, 1992
Chelmsford Independent December 11, 1992
Circa 1995, Refreshment counter and front entrance (Facebook group "I worked at Route 3 Cinema in Chelmsford, MA")
Circa 1995, Posing at the counter (Facebook group "I worked at Route 3 Cinema in Chelmsford, MA")
Circa 1995, Looking toward the rear (Facebook group "I worked at Route 3 Cinema in Chelmsford, MA")
Circa 1995, Main entrance corridor (Facebook group "I worked at Route 3 Cinema in Chelmsford, MA")
Circa 1995, Entrance to Cinema I (Facebook group "I worked at Route 3 Cinema in Chelmsford, MA")
Circa 1995, Group portrait on the stairs (Facebook group "I worked at Route 3 Cinema in Chelmsford, MA")
Circa 1995, Mrs. Nelson's Candy from the front door (Facebook group "I worked at Route 3 Cinema in Chelmsford, MA")
  • Jul 1996 - The 299 Chelmsford Street Cinemaf property was purchased by Route 3 Cinema Realty Limited Partnership at a deep discount doe to a huge debt load
Chelmsford Independent July 18, 1996 page 1
Chelmsford Independent July 18, 1996 page 14
  • Jun 1998 - CRRT Incorporated of Waltham purhased the property for $3 million with main partner Brian Kelly, formerly of the Cross Point towers development
  • Sep 1998 - The Route 3 Cinema closed its doors, a victim of stadium seating and surround sound available at the Showcase Cinema
Chelmsford lndependent September 17, 1998 page 1
Chelmsford lndependent September 17, 1998 page 6
Chelmsford Independent December 14, 2000 page 1
Chelmsford Independent December 14, 2000 page 9
Chelmsford Independent February 2, 2006 page 1
Chelmsford Independent February 2, 2006 page 14
  • Feb 2011 - The Route 3 Cinema was demolished
By RITA SAVARD, Lowell Sun
PUBLISHED: February 18, 2011 at 12:00 a.m.

CHELMSFORD - It was 10 years in the making, but the final act for the crumbling Route 3 Cinema landed yesterday when demolition crews began tearing down the blighted old movie house. The property at 299 Chelmsford St. has sat idle since it was purchased by Stop & Shop in 1998 for $3 million. Suzi Robinson, a Stop & Shop spokeswoman, said the company plans to open a superstore on the site sometime this year. Although an opening date has not been etched in stone, town officials say the end of a decade-long legal battle between two grocery-store giants will mark a new chapter in Chelmsford's economy. "That location is right off the highway;' Town Manager Paul Cohen said. "It is a gateway to the town and it will be nice to finally have something there instead of an abandoned building:' ...

"It felt like you had to wait in line forever to get your ticket because the lines were so long. It was the place to be" said Tricia Dzuris, who had her first date at the cinema. She saw The Rose starring Bette Midler. Laura Bower of Lowell said the Route 3 Cinema was her first experience in a movie theater. The film was Ghost Busters (1984) and she was 1O years old. "I was so excited, but I ate way too much popcorn and ended up getting sick" Bower said. "And I didn't regret a second of it. That movie theater was the best!" Cohen remembers catching The Hobbit (1977) at Route 3 when he was just a kid. "The place holds a lot of memories for a lot of people" Cohen said. But that was a long time ago. The building sat in disrepair for several years. It will be good to see some life back in that area of town:'

2011-02-23, Front of the Cinema with all windows boarded up (photo by FM)
2011-02-23, Salvaging the metal parts (photo by FM)
2011-02-23, Rear section is reduced to piles of scrap (photo by FM)
2011-02-23, The front half still to go (photo by FM)
2021, Super Stop & Shop at 299 Chelmsford Street (Google Earth}
This feature was created by Fred Merriam (FM) for the Town of Chelmsford in cooperation with the Chelmsford Historical Society. To comment: e-mail webmaster